Piracy and Counterfeiting in the field of Intellectual Property (IP) are constituted by illegal activities aimed at imitate or feign, especially with intent to deceive, Trademarks, Designs or Patents of third parties or obtaining and selling audio-visual or digital products illegally.
The harm caused by Piracy and Counterfeiting is not limited to the individual creator or owner of the IP right but projects its negative effects directly onto society. Infringements of Intellectual Property rights cause substantial economic losses, with the consequent destruction of employment and wealth.
Counterfeiting and Piracy of IP rights have increased significantly in recent years and manifest themselves in the marketing of fake products and their manufacture, as well as in their distribution. New technologies and the Internet, far from providing a solution to the problem, aggravate it. The online sale of counterfeit goods has become commonplace and the belief that everything available on the web is genuine and poses no problem or risk is mistaken. Counterfeit goods can pose serious safety problems (in toys, for example) or health risks (medicines, cosmetics). They can also cause environmental damage because of the way they are produced.
Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash.com