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On 21 March, our partner Emil Edissonov will give a lecture on Industrial property in metaverses and NFTs. Adequate registration protection and actions against infringements within the framework of the Course on Trademark, Patent and Design Law of the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB).  Photo by Nathan...

Our associate Ricard Valdés-Bango will be attending the Health Revolution Congress, Europe's leading digital health summit, which will take place in Barcelona on 16 May. Set against the backdrop of Barcelona's stunning Recinto Modernista de Sant Pau, the HRC addresses the latest in technology, pioneering innovations...

Our partner, Nèstor Corominas, will participate in the 1st edition of the Cycle of Knowledge Transfer Capsules course at the University of Girona (UdG). In the session that will take place on 29 February 2024, he will lecture on the protection of research results in the...

The 1st International Law Conference: Barcelona-China organised by ICAB in collaboration with the Federation Union of Chinese Associations in Spain will take place on 28 November from 9am to 2pm. The event aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the Chinese legal environment, with the challenges...

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