Past Events

On 21 March, our partner Emil Edissonov will give a lecture on Industrial property in metaverses and NFTs. Adequate registration protection and actions against infringements within the framework of the Course on Trademark, Patent and Design Law of the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB).  Photo by Nathan...

Our partner, Nèstor Corominas, will participate in the 1st edition of the Cycle of Knowledge Transfer Capsules course at the University of Girona (UdG). In the session that will take place on 29 February 2024, he will lecture on the protection of research results in the...

AIPPI 2023 WORLD CONGRESS will take place from 22 to 25 October 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. Santiago Jordá, Partner of Curell Suñol and President of the Spanish Group of AIPPI, and Nèstor Corominas, Partner of Curell Suñol, will attend. Photo by Imad Alassiry on Unsplash...

The Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group - PTMG Autumn Conference will take place from 4 to 7 October 2023 in beautiful Athens, Greece. The central theme of the conference is PTMG AT THE BIRTHPLACE OF ETHICS - TIME FOR SOME PRINCIPLE REFLECTIONS ON PHARMACEUTICAL TRADE MARKS....

APRAM (French Association of Trademark and Design Law Practitioners) is celebrating its 45th anniversary this year and is organising a party in Paris on 22 June to raise a glass to this occasion. Mireia Curell and Berta Benet, foreign members of APRAM, and Robert Roser...

The members from our firm who will be attending the Meeting in Singapore are Nèstor Corominas (Partner, Industrial Property Attorney), Isabela Robledo (Associate Sr., specialist lawyer in IP and member of INTA’s Geographical Indications Committee), and Emil Edissonov (Associate Sr., specialist lawyer in IP and...

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