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The final round of the fight between the two goats, Masia Puigmoltó and Richards Brothers Group (RBG) is over, and the former, like a good Cabró, has left his opponent completely sprawled out on the ground.  Round 1  The fight began in the spring of 2021 when...

It cannot be denied that nowadays counterfeiting and piracy pose a threat to multiple industry sectors and business of all ranks are affected by them. According to the EUIPO “the volume of international trade in counterfeit and pirated products amounted up to 2.5 % of global...

One year of Unitary Patent 1 June 2024 marked the first year of operation of the Unitary Patent in Europe. The Unitary Patent is the patent title that provides uniform protection, with a single registration, in all European Union countries that have signed and ratified the so-called...

We are most glad to announce that Nèstor Corominas and Robert Roser have obtained the University Diploma “Patent Litigation in Europe” granted by the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI), allowing European Patent Attorneys to act as representatives before the Unified Patent Court (UPC).  The...

Romania will join the Unitary Patent system on 1 September 2024, becoming the 18th member state to ratify the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court (UPCA). Romania deposited its instrument of ratification on 31 May 2024. This accession comes a year after the UPCA initially...

The Qatari government deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol on the International Registration of Marks with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on 3 May 2024, and it will enter into force on 3 August 2024. Four of the six member countries of...

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