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We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for trusting us and wish you all the best for the festive season, hoping that 2023 will bring peace. Due to public holidays our offices will be closed on 26 December 2022 and 6 January 2023....

We are making it simpler! As of 31 October 2022, our domain name will be:  curell.com Our general e-mail will be: mail@curell.com and for our Madrid and Alicante offices: madrid@curell.com and alicante@curell.com, respectively. For the members of our team the new e-mails will look like this: xxx@curell.com, ‘xxx’ standing...

If there is one topic that everyone is talking about, it is the metaverse. This term, which seems futuristic, appeared 30 years ago in the science fiction novel Snow Crash (1992), where Neal Stephenson describes a type of collective virtual space, compatible with physical reality, which he calls...

The month of April has brought us a new revision of the EUIPO Examination Guidelines. And, this time, they propose an important change that will affect the strategy behind the withdrawal of certain EU trademark applications. Which is the proposed change? Decisions refusing EUTM applications on absolute...

About a year ago, CURELL SUÑOL reported news that had hit the European trademark scene: the cancellation of the European Union figurative mark No. 12575155 “The Flower Thrower” of the well-known artist and graffiti artist Banksy, its author, who operates through the British company Pest...

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